Friday, November 13, 2009

So Fast!!!!!!!!!!!

The webpage project that Mr. Olson just assigned us was really overwhelming for me because. It seems to me like he just pushed it on us without any real preparation to it. I felt unprepared and unready. Sure we should be moving forward but it was kinda of fast for me. We seem to be moving from one thing to the next without any transitions. If we could do transitions from one lesson to the next then I would be able to understand and get everything better instead of being shocked and overwhelmed by the next thing that we have to do.

The Onion^o^

We just did a lab with an alloy called the Onion Alloy and it was really fun. We got to heat up water in a beaker and the alloy was in it. It melted and it looked really cool. The peices separated and turned into little circles of it. It looked like mercury when it melted and we got to play with it. When we took it off the hot plate then it became somewhat solidified and became fragile. But as it became cooler then the alloy became so hard that poking it wouldn't do anything to it. We ended up seperating the pieces and we were worried and wondered if we broke it. But Mr. Olson sayed to put it back on the hot plate and it started to boil and became a liquid again. As it was boiling the liquid messed together and became one again. It was really fun and we were playing with it the whole time we got it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The different colors of flames.

This lab was really cool. I loved it when we made the flames change color. My favorite one was the one that turned into a sickly green because it reminded me of Maleficent from sleeping beauty. My mind was just thinking about movies that might relate to the same color too. We also made flames pink, orange, blue, and purple. One was a really pretty lavender one but there were actually two that looked really close to each other. That confused me and my group when we were trying to figure out what solution was which.