Friday, December 11, 2009

Awesome video^o^

Mr. Olson and this guy named Curtis that use to be a Mills teacher made a video about mole and it was hella funny. They made themselves different colors and it was funny. Its all on the video. It's called Molesong with Curtis. I showed the video to most of my friends and they all love Mr. Olson now which I don't blame them for.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


We did this contest thing where we had to find the right weight and fill up a bin of confetti until it got to a specific weight. We were at a time limit and I was rushing so much and my group was pushing too. We were running everywhere and trying to get the right weight before time ran out because we had to get as close as the weight as possible and the group with the closest weight won 1 extra credit point per person in a group. We were rushing and my group was rushing and I think that we dropped some on the floor and dropped some. We lost though because we were off by a little. We were about like .20 off. We were close but group 1 had only 2 points off. So they won. =(

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What to do!!!!!

We have a test coming up and I've been studying really hard. If I wasn't doing homework or doing a project I'm on the games that Mr. Olson posted up on Schoolloop. I've been struggling with structures and how to draw them out from the formulas. I'm still practicing and getting the hang of it. I just hope that I can study enough to get a good grade on the test. I'm nervous for Friday but I will be ready!


We did a lab today and it was about the charges in water and how it attracts electrons from a charged wand. It was really cool because the water moved and swayed toward the wand. It was cool cause we got to play around with it and made it sway around. The other part of the lab was that, we were suppose to drop, water droplets onto a plastic sheet. So when we did we ended up having water drops that kept their form and were like bubbles that wouldn't pop. It was really cool because my group got to arrange them into a smiley face = )

Friday, November 13, 2009

So Fast!!!!!!!!!!!

The webpage project that Mr. Olson just assigned us was really overwhelming for me because. It seems to me like he just pushed it on us without any real preparation to it. I felt unprepared and unready. Sure we should be moving forward but it was kinda of fast for me. We seem to be moving from one thing to the next without any transitions. If we could do transitions from one lesson to the next then I would be able to understand and get everything better instead of being shocked and overwhelmed by the next thing that we have to do.

The Onion^o^

We just did a lab with an alloy called the Onion Alloy and it was really fun. We got to heat up water in a beaker and the alloy was in it. It melted and it looked really cool. The peices separated and turned into little circles of it. It looked like mercury when it melted and we got to play with it. When we took it off the hot plate then it became somewhat solidified and became fragile. But as it became cooler then the alloy became so hard that poking it wouldn't do anything to it. We ended up seperating the pieces and we were worried and wondered if we broke it. But Mr. Olson sayed to put it back on the hot plate and it started to boil and became a liquid again. As it was boiling the liquid messed together and became one again. It was really fun and we were playing with it the whole time we got it.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The different colors of flames.

This lab was really cool. I loved it when we made the flames change color. My favorite one was the one that turned into a sickly green because it reminded me of Maleficent from sleeping beauty. My mind was just thinking about movies that might relate to the same color too. We also made flames pink, orange, blue, and purple. One was a really pretty lavender one but there were actually two that looked really close to each other. That confused me and my group when we were trying to figure out what solution was which.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


The IsAQuiz is really confusing but I do get the material. When it comes time for the test though I get really nervous and don't know what to do. I get how to do the chapter tests and I'm doing fine on that but I just can't get the IsAQuiz. I'll keep studying and get it down.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Penny half life

The penny half-life simulation reminded me about myself. When I was little I use to sort out pennies and nickels and dimes. I didn't have anything to do so I got bored and my dad had a whole jar full of coins so I sorted them out and put pennies first then nickels and then dimes to quarters. It calmed my boredom and this lab just reminded me about it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dry Ice

That lab was so much fun. I felt like a witch with her cauldron. I knew that dry ice would create a kind of smoke but that was just really cool. I never knew that the ice was that cold. I mean you said that it would freeze your hand if you left it there for more than a second. That's dangerous but really cool. I also like that the bubble could float at the tank. I was just watching it from afar but it was pretty cool. I just use to it popping after a couple of seconds in the air. I also loved the bowl of dry ice and hot water. It was so much fun because of the bubble it created. When it popped I was expecting it to like fly everywhere but it just popped and everything gushed out. That was really cool.

Friday, August 28, 2009


The last couple of labs that we did was the measuring labs and it was fun. I got to learn how to get the hundredth number on a gram scale which was pretty cool. I found that my estimates were not that accurate, actually I was completely off. So it was fun though. I got to weigh some things that I would have thought to do.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Golden Pennies =D

That lab was really fun. I got to play with fire, well not literally but I got to use it. I never really dealt with fire before. Well if you count blowing out candles on my birthday cakes then yes I have dealt with fire. Anyway the penny lab was really surprising and I couldn't figure out what made the penny golden until I looked it up that same night on Google. I figured it out but it was still just magical for me. I never knew that chemistry could be that fun.


Now this is a really nice topic to write about or type about. So my passion is drawing. I love to draw and I've been going at that since seventh grade. I would have started sooner but I never really thought about drawing until I met my friend Marissa who got me into it. She got me into art, manga books, and even sudoku. I love those puzzles in the morning. Anyway so I love drawing and love painting but not with water color. Water color always ends up drying up really fast and then my picture ends up looking all blochy. I have my own sketch books and right now i'm on my fourth one. I'm not really good at it and that is the reason why I don't post anything on art websites, but my friend posts up a bunch of things on devianart. Its amazing. I swear that she's going to be a famous artists that everyone will love. She's has been a huge inspiration to my passion and I just love her for that. I guess I would be putting my nose in the textbooks more often if I never met her and that would have been really sad. I mean studing is fine but I wouldn't have any other life without her pushing me a long before.


I haven't really thought about my goals that much. Actually I've been thinking about short-term goals and how I definitely want to go to college, but I haven't really thought about more then just that. Well if I had to make goals for my distant future then I would say that I would want to have a job that I would want to go to everyday. Some people that I know don't like their jobs and they always complain to me saying, "I wish I could have been......." and they did not make it. So I want to be happy going to my career and getting money for it. That would be really nice.

My First

This is my first blog and I don't really know what I'm really suppose to do. I just know that I'm suppose to write some topics that Mr. Olson assigned. This seems a lot like facebook but instead a really long message. Well This is my first and this is going to be very interesting to see what I do.